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How to wear a bandana women

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How to wear a bandana women

The bandana is the accessory of the moment to use for a unique look.

Many famous women have already adopted the scarf during the year ....

see royalbandana women collection

Directly inspired by the 90s, the bandana promises to be the most used accessory of the next year.

The most common models are colorful, printed with patterns and some even with logos of major brands like Louis Vuitton or Royalbandana.

It is already the darling of celebrities like Rihanna and Gigi Hadid, who have embraced the trend and introduced it into their look.

rihanna bandana

Get inspired by this amazing accessory and find out how to wear it:


Fighting for the top spot in our hearts with the (very) expensive scarf, it's the bandana, which has become the darling of fashionistas around the world and has put on a show in just a few street style shots, making us want to buy it uncontrollably immediately.

We're very fond of it, as it's one of the most versatile accessories you can have in your wardrobe. Can't believe it? Then come here and we will show you 9 ways to tie your bandana.

buy red bandana woman

Much more than a piece of paisley-printed fabric, in a Nordic pattern with a bohemian print, the bandana can be worn as a scarf, bracelet, anklet and - surprisingly, even as a belt!

Here's the full list, and the styling tips and tricks you can check out right now:

1. Attached to her hair,

It's fun and stylish, like Taylor Hill and Taylor Swift who love it:

taylor swift bandana

2. Around the neck

You can also use it as a choker, very tight on the neck. The best of both worlds, impossible to resist!

women's bandana around the neck

3. Bandana belt

Wearing it as a belt makes the look irresistible and super stylish. Ah, it's also worth saying that the cashmere + stripes duo is perfect to make a smart print mix that we love so much.

bandana woman belt


4. Bandana necklace

Italian editor Viviana Volpicella loves wearing her red bandana as a necklace. She loves it so much that she even doubled the dose!

bandana woman scarf

5. Bandana as a scarf

Tying it inside the collar is the right technique to protect yourself from the cold while creating an incredible look.

bandana woman scarf

6. Around the wrist

In very hot weather, you can still wear it, just tie it like a bracelet around the wrist.

women's bandana around the wrist

7. Casual style

Want to add an extra touch to your look? Let the bandana loose, hang over your shoulders and thus get an instant cool effect.

women's bandana style


8. Around the ankle

Tie it around the ankle in the style of Leandra Medine and get a unique look.

women's ankle bandana

9. Cowboy style bandana

Finally, the bandana can be tied in the western style, cowboy style, guaranteed effect.

cowboy bandana woman

So if you too want to get a unique and trendy look, you can find a large collection of quality bandanas directly through our beautiful collection of bandanas for women.

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